Supporting Local Small Businesses with Online Gift Sales
No Online Gift Card Sales, No Problem
Supporting people in your community is more important today than ever. So many people are asking for ways to support local small businesses and are willing to help.
If you are a local small business with little to no foot traffic, you may find yourself in need of a boost in sales. You may have gift cards or gift certificates, but you may not have a website that is set up for online sales and purchasing. Don’t limit yourself – there’s a way to generate those gift card sales today!
The power of social media is amazing. You can create a post on all of your social media pages explaining that you are offering gift cards. Followers can simply message you the dollar amount they want to spend and you can send them a Paypal link to collect the payment. Once the payment is received, you will send the gift card via snail mail to their home or office address.
Consider some of these other great ways to generate more sales:
Offer a Great Deal
- Offer a gift card deal – Spend $50 and get $60.
- Book a 1 day stay and get 2 days.
- Buy a hair cut today and get another one free.
- Buy a pedicure and get a manicure free.
You don’t need coupons or complicated rules or messaging. If the pedicure is $50 and the manicure is $25, simply put $75 on the gift card and let your customer use that $75 on anything they want to purchase. That’s $50 in your pocket today that will help your business get through this tough time.
Offer unlimited or 90 days of your service for one low price. This is a great way to generate sales and to expose people to your business and services. Once they experience 90 days of your great service, they may want to continue purchasing for months to come.
Pay It Forward
This is another great way to sell gift cards and help out your community as well. Offer to give 10% of the gift card value to a local charity. Let your customer tell you which charity via messenger and simply write a check for that dollar amount and drop it in the mail. Everyone wins with this Pay It Forward method. Your customers and your community will thank you.
Don’t Forget The Small Details
When you go to mail those gift cards to your customers, make it special. Everyone enjoys getting fun mail. Put a handwritten note card in an envelope with the gift card saying, “Thank you for supporting our small business. We look forward to seeing you soon. Stay safe and take care of yourself. We will be here to welcome you when this is over”. Consider using a bright-colored envelope to make the package fun and exciting. Maybe someone will be so excited and share a picture or video of it on social media and you will sell more gift cards.
These are just some ideas to help you sell gift cards online. If you have any questions or we can help you in any way, don’t hesitate to reach out to us or chat with us online.